Saturday, July 19, 2008

LIfe Coaching -- Reality Check

How do you decide on a Life Coach? You've seen a million websites, read all about coaching, even taken advantage of some free trial sessions. But how can you know for sure? You can't. You have to trust your gut, after speaking to a prospective coach, that he or she is the one for you. It is a very subjective decision. Unlike other fields, like medicine or law or teaching, life coaching, a relatively new field, is not yet regulated by the government. But are there things to look for? Definitely! No real life coach promises anything. How can he/she when it is the client who determines the agenda, makes the commitments and takes the action? But, you might want to find out if your coach-to-be walks the walk. Is your coach on time, at an appropriate weight, paying his or her bills, living his or her dreams? Is it fair to ask these questions? Can't someone help you when they cannot help themselves? (After all, how many food critics are chefs)? These are questions you will have to consider for yourself. When I was choosing my Life Coach, I started out with two. Both were very nice, and helpful. But the one I chose was one I felt was more compatible with my lifestyle and closer geographically, in case I ever wanted to meet her. I stay in touch with the other one -- she is very sweet-- but my life coach has taken me places I never dreamed I could go in the coaching process. And I hope that I do the same for my clients, as well

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