Monday, June 30, 2008

Believe and Achieve -- And Take Action

Many years ago, I went to a talk by a metaphysical speaker. He was a dynamic, charismatic man, and I was expecting to hear about snake oil, or other miracles around at the time....But instead, I heard something I have never forgotten...

The gentleman was talking about what you need to do if you want to get to the other side of the street. To paraphrase him loosely, he said, "You can't affirm your way to the other side, you can't meditate your way to the other side, you can't visualize your way to the other side -- you have to walk across the street." (Now, don't tell me someone could carry you across, the wind could blow you across in some midwestern states, or that a bald eagle could swoop down, grab you in its beak and fly you to the other side). You know what I am saying -- Walk across the street to get to the other side -- take action! Action leads to action leads to results!

Life Coaching is all about taking action. More later -- I've got things to do!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life Coaching 101

"I forgot my briefcase at the airport," the client says. But this time he wasn't in a panic. He had placed an extra (yes, extra) cell phone in his briefcase. He had made copies of all his important documents and had sent them home to himself by FedX. And he had his name, address and phone number all over the inside of the briefcase. "Why?" you ask. Because this gentleman has Adult ADD and he forgets things all the time. But now, through Life Coaching, he has some strategies to deal with personal organizing other than beating himself up. When he gets his wake-up call at a hotel, he has the operator remind him to make sure he has his phone, his pager, his keys and anything else pertinent to the trip. He turns his cell phone off at the gate, so he can concentrate on the boarding process. With all the noise and tumult, he really has to pay attention. Before boarding, he gets rid of any extraneous hand-held items such as his coffee and newspaper, and he secures his main cell phone in a pocket where he can feel it. He has learned to board in peace. The reason he forgot his briefcase: He was helping a new mother who was balancing an infant, a toddler and all their handheld luggage!

Note: This is a Life Coaching Case Study I wrote: It does not reflect any information from any client of mine.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pollyanna Rules!

Yes, It's hot. It's summer. It's supposed to be hot. Now that we have all agreed, let's move on and celebrate the heat! It's warm at night -- we can go for a walk. We can go to the beach every day and we don't need to wear boots and mittens....

My point: It's all about your perspective -- or mine, should I say. Since I am the only experiencer in my universe, I choose to see the good. I choose to be like Pollyanna!

Why? Because by choosing a positive outlook, I am choosing happiness. I am choosing a boosted immune system, boosted energy, boosted enthusiasm, boosted joy! If you don't believe it, try it. Give it 30 days.

Try the 30-Day Boost! Buy a small notebook. For 30 days, keep a Journal of all the great things that are happening in your life. A check in the mail? Write it in your Journal. A baby smiles at you? Write it in your Journal.

At the end of 30 days, look back and smile. You are having a good life!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I find lately that syncronicity is borne out of a joyful enthusiasm. It's like a wildfire of poppies spreading across a hill in beautiful, living color. Since I have been Life Coaching, I find that the inspiring readings, YouTube videos, stories and events that have been the cornerstone of my own motivational experiences are expanding. It is as if there is a Universal Consciousness wanting to embrace the joy within, the joy of reaching goals, the joy of teaching and inspiring others. It is a tremendous form of energy this consciousness. I invite you to look at what inspires your bliss and to follow it!


Believe and Achieve Coaching offers a number of services:

* Life Coaching
* Mentoring
* Consulting
* Teaching
* Training
* Public Speaking

All services are based upon the premise that what you believe determines your ability to achieve what you want. This doesn't mean that if you believe you will win the lottery the money is yours. It is not that simplistic!

Believe and Achieve means holding a resourceful, open, confident mindset, and using your God-given talents to work towards your goals. You still need intelligence, perseverance and hard work to achieve your goals. This system offers a paradigm of belief in the possibility of success in any endeavor as a starting point.

Recently, I met someone whose husband is an astronaut who has walked in space. True story. How many astronauts are there? Not many relative to the numbers of people in other professions! How many have walked in space? Very few. She told me that her husband saw the Moon Landing when he was nine years old and decided then and there that he wanted to be an astronaut. So, every decision he made subsequent to that, from the age of nine, supported that goal. He researched the education he would have to have. As a teenager, he learned to fly a plane. He studied engineering. He joined the military. Each action he took brought him one step closer to his goal. There was no magic there. There was the belief in the possibility that being an astronaut was an achievable goal and the willingness to pursue the preparation, planning and hard work it took to make the dream a realilty.

If you want to get to the moon, you have to reach for the stars, so to speak. Intention, focus, determination and hard work fuel the abililty to stick to it. Enthusiasm borne of passion is the fuel which keeps you going in the face of frustration and doubt. Hold onto your dreams and keep working towards them. You too will fly!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How I Did It In 25 Words or Less

I just started doing it. I wanted to be a Life Coach. I watched Paul Potts on YouTube about four times a day for three weeks (really longer), I enrolled in school, and then it happened. I started coaching External Clients on a pro-bono basis, as part of my training, and it snowballed from there. I'm probably at more than 25 words, but, in reality, the kind of reality I wanted to experience, I had to create the dream. And that is what I teach, support and coach. There is no magic formula. If you want to cross the street, you can wish all you want, affirm all you want and meditate all you want -- but in order to get to the other side -- you have to cross the street. This means one thing: You must take action. And keep your attention focused on what you want to achieve. Believing is the backdrop or the platform -- but without intention, focus and action, belief doesn't amount to much. When you start to believe it's possible, then follow that with intention, focus and action, results follow. And energy and synchronicity seem to magically appear. But it's not magic -- it's the way you have created it to happen. Intention is a very powerful form of thought...More about that later. If you have a great story of how your intention led to your dream, please share it here!