Monday, June 30, 2008

Believe and Achieve -- And Take Action

Many years ago, I went to a talk by a metaphysical speaker. He was a dynamic, charismatic man, and I was expecting to hear about snake oil, or other miracles around at the time....But instead, I heard something I have never forgotten...

The gentleman was talking about what you need to do if you want to get to the other side of the street. To paraphrase him loosely, he said, "You can't affirm your way to the other side, you can't meditate your way to the other side, you can't visualize your way to the other side -- you have to walk across the street." (Now, don't tell me someone could carry you across, the wind could blow you across in some midwestern states, or that a bald eagle could swoop down, grab you in its beak and fly you to the other side). You know what I am saying -- Walk across the street to get to the other side -- take action! Action leads to action leads to results!

Life Coaching is all about taking action. More later -- I've got things to do!

1 comment:

whenigrowupcoach said...

Paula - I'm the bride from ICA! I couldn't find you on but I Googled you & found you here - Hooray! Please contact me at Looking forward to hearing from you!