Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No More Pain! Thank you Dr. Lipton!

Congratulations to Dr. Glenn M. Lipton, M.D., Pain Management Specialist, who has recently expanded his practice from Arizona to include Southern California. He is now seeing patients in Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey and Newport Beach. According to Dr. Lipton, prompt treatment of back, spine and other pain can increase one's quality of life, enabling one to fully enjoy one's work and home life, as well as achieve one's goals. Dr. Lipton is Board-Certified in Pain Medicine under the American Board of Anesthesiology, the gold-standard credential for pain medicine because it is the only pain certification under the auspices of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). In addition, Dr. Lipton holds further certifications from the American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians (ABIPP) and the American Board for Pain Medicine (ABPM). Dr. Lipton served as an ABIPP board examiner, lectures and instructs other physicians around the country on new surgical techniques, and keeps his knowledge and skill set current by holding active memberships in over eight of the national pain societies. To make an appointment with Dr. Lipton, call 310-574-0499.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kim Kardashian

If you want a good example of someone who is living her dream, just lok at Kim Kardashian. She took a social life and turned it into a career. She and her mother and sisters, and to a lesser extent, her step-father, took who were they and made it what they did. And by most accounts, has been having a swell time in the process. Even with a public short marriage, Kim has managed to brand herself, put out a clothing line, perfume, a book....And create an empire in the process. To analyze her formula for success, in a superficial, but succinct way, she knows who she is, she plays to her strengths and she is NICE to everyone in the process! Her personality, combined with her looks and her enormous talent at selling herself as a celebrity, have made her the success she is today. Don't be fooled by the clothes and make-up; all the Kardashian women are hard workers who know how to maximize what they have to offer. They have proven that likeability is a huge factor in reality success and that that is something they all, particularly Kim, have in abundance. Likeability is a huge factor in all success, an issue which I will deal with in greater depth in another post. So,no matter what you think of reality TV, or the Kardashians, there are many lessons to be learned on how to be successful and happy and have a tight family all at the same time. They exemplify enthusiasm, optimism and action, three factors that we Life Coaches attempt to model for our clients at all times. And they do it in a big way.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Zerizus -- Enthusiasm and Action -- Revisited

More blogging on zerizus!

posted by Barbara D. Holtzman at Zerizus! - 3 years ago

I found an incredible website, another blog that deals with zerizus. Access it here: Believe and Achieve Coaching from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

The Power of Belief and Your Angels

A client of mine told me this story. She moved to a new area and wanted to make new friends; she said she felt alone. She was home during the day with a baby and hadn't yet signed up for Mommy & Me or for any Meet-ups in her area. So, she prayed for a friend. At the same time, she had gone online to Care.com for a Mother's Helper. A woman her own age answered the ad and the two started talking. Seems they had grown up not far from each other. When they started talking high school, the helper candidate mentioned a male friend of hers. My client had grown up with him! His mother had been a "special angel" adult in the life of my client. My client and the candidate met and the helper did some work. But my client said that the miracle was that the "special angel" adult showed up in her life to let her know that she was in fact being watched over and wasn't alone! Where is your belief today? Where would you like it to be? Need a friend, or an angel? You can do it! If you need help, coaching is here for you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring is in the Air

As we say goodbye to sweaters, coats and dark afternoons, we are looking at the re-birth of the earth. And with it, metaphorically, our own. But can we do, as spring approaches, to start over, give ourselves a boost, feel better in every way? First, get out into the sun for at least 30 minutes per day. New studeis are showing that sun is beneficial not only for Vitamin D, but for mood and feelings of well-being. Of course, it goes without saying that warm weather is another opportunity to exercise outside -- hiking, biking, skating, running, walking...whatever you like! And spring is a time to clean out the old and bring in the new! Decide today what you can get rid of in your environment to improve the energy, and what can you bring in? Do you have new goals? Maybe drop a few pounds before bikini season? If you are at a "start-over" or renewal point, consider Life Coaching to give you the extra motivation and boost to realize your goals!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mid-Life Crisis at 32

Anyone can have a mid-life crisis. You don't even have to be mid-life. You just have to be at a place where you want something new -- a job, a relationship, a day job at ebay. Anything that will alleviate the boredom, the anxiety, the distress of being trapped in the box you call your life. Now, it may not be all that dramatic for you. You may be more the eating- Mallomars-in-bed-and-watching-TV-all-day type. But however it manifests for you, one day you may wake up and want it to go away.

You've always been successful before. Grad school Cum Laud, a Porsche at 25...but now you have a dilemna. Do you duck out of your responsibilities and head for the south of France, or do you DO SOMETHING--ANYTHING!

Coaching gives you the start, the lighted match, the spark, to get it going. Every client of mine is different, yet all are the same in one respect. They come for coaching in order to get into ACTION. Because action leads to results.

The results you get may not be the ones you started out to find, but you will have started the flow of energy and kicked old entropy out the door.

This post is dedicated to James: The action master of them all!

The Hippest Chick

From what I'm reading, 500,000 Americans are now getting hip replacements every year. Not one to avoid a trend, I too, had my hip replaced -- my right hip. Now, you may be saying, "Couldn't find a cheaper, easy trendy thing to do, maybe yoga or pilates?" I could have. But since I needed it done anyway, I did it. The trick was in the preparation. The most important part of anything in life is the MENTAL part (after, of course, the Spiritual part. But that is another post entirely...)!

I got ready for surgery by doing what any self-respecting woman would do -- I bought a new dress and a new purse. And I had my bathroom (just my section) painted pink!

I also got new towels and bedding and a rolling cart for next to the bed. And invited friends to the hospital. My best friend from childhood for the surgery through the next day, my cousin the Dr., for the first night (he brought dinner at the behest of his girlfriend), and a good friend for the second night when my husband went to a business Christmas party. (It's cool -- I made him go).

So, I arranged to make myself as comfortable as possible, and then used the best mental trick known to man: I went into denial. Not the river in Egypt, the place that said that everything is normal and that I love sleeping on my back.

Additionally, I used Angel Therapy (Doreen Virtue), Guided Imagery and Color Therapy. And I hired someone to help out with meals, etc.

And I promised a friend that I would write about it. To help other people. So, if you are looking at joint replacement therapy, and feel you could benefit from some coaching by someone who has been there, please call us: Believe & Achieve Coaching, www.bealeeve.com!