Saturday, September 26, 2009

Now or Never

It's almost Yom Kippur -- the Day of Atonement when the fate of the Jewish people will be sealed for the year. Who shall live, who shall die, who shall become rich, who shall go the other way, etc., etc. So, in thinking about the holiday, I am struck this year with what a Blessed year (kpp) I had. I had so much love, so many happy times....God is good. But I don't believe in punishment based on repenting one day. I think repentance is an ongoing process, as is loving, every day of the year. I think that striving to have good midot (character traits) is a process that supercedes one day of "confession." I think every day is a day of taking stock, every day a day of confession -- and of absolution. The sages say that there are three things to lighten a "sentence" by God -- prayer, charity and repentance (or, an alternate to that is prayer, charity and Torah study). So, every day we have the opportunity to begin again -- to ReDecide -- what we are going to do, what we are going to say, how we are going to live our lives. Ethics, morals and values are not for one day a year -- they may inform that day, but are quintessentially the infrastructure of our lives. Every thought, every feeling, contributes to the overall. This Yom Kippur, I wish you an easy fast, but more than that, I wish for you an easy year to come, when all your decisions lead to joy and ease. I wish you love and peace and candor. I wish you every good thing. And thank you Jamee and Cherrie for your wisdom and caring during this year. Be happy! Coach Paula

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