Monday, February 7, 2011

How's Your Diet?

It's the first week of February. Have you stuck to your New Year's Resolution about shedding those last ten pounds? If you are still in the game, but faltering, do this now: Go to your kitchen and dump (that's right) all soft drinks down the drain. Trash the chips and get rid of the ice cream. Get in a good supply of bottled water and fresh fruit and vegetables. You are eating to live, not living to eat! If you are not happy to hear these words, then think about why. If you are someone who can eat two chips at a sitting, you can have them in the house -- if not, they have to go. The number on the scale will be a bigger reward than the junk you are putting into your body. And stop eating after 6 p.m. If you do that, you are guaranteed to cut a lot of calories. Make the goal the reward and find some friends to support you! As always, if you need motivation, get Coached!

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