Monday, December 14, 2009

Rabbi Pliskin's "Life is Now Favorite Memories

#734 Favorite Memories
If you would like to recall your favorite memories, here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. What are five of my favorite memories?
2. How do I feel when I remember them?
3. What are the main patterns of my favorite memories?
4. In what ways will I benefit from recalling these memories more often?
5. When is a good time to recall each of these memories?
6. What can I learn from these memories?
7. What do I lose out by not recalling my favorite memories?
8. What will help me remember to recall my favorite memories more often?
9. What can I do now to create more memories that I would benefit from recalling?
(from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's book: "Conversations With Yourself", p.160) [])
See Rabbi Pliskin's new book "Life Is Now"

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