Saturday, July 18, 2009

Client Slightly Crazy, Slightly Sad

One of my clients called to tell me that she was "slightly crazy, slightly sad." Since I am her coach, and not her therapist, I asked her what she wanted to do about it. She named some self-medicating interventions such as lighting a cigarette, drinking a beer, going to a bar and picking up a guy -- until I asked her what she wanted out of it. "Not to feel bad, of course," was her reply. So, I posed the million dollar question, "Will any of the aforementioned help you?" She laughed as she said no. So, we made a list of other options: shopping, chocolate, going to the pound and getting yet another cat (would be #4). Then, she had an epiphany. "I'm going to run it off -- all the craziness, all the sadness. With all the adrenaline, I won't remember why I went running in the first place." So, she called me two hours later, happily eating a vegetarian sandwich and drinking some healthy tea drink -- telling me that on her run she had seen an old friend and that they were going to get together and create some picture books online together of when they were in college. She didn't do anything -- she did something. And that action created a synergy which led to friendship, collaboration, an art project. She said that she still might be a little crazy, but she wasn't sad anymore. Find a coach and find your way!

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