Monday, October 27, 2008

Chana Weisberg for Chabad on Scary Shadows

This is a very powerful, thought-provoking piece on the place of perspective as we grapple with the shadows of our lives. Through the eyes of her young daughter, Chana sees a metaphor for growth opportunities in the darkness. The short video is beautifully shot and edited and rang true for me. I hope you enjoy it and that your days are filled with light. And if you are in the shadows of darkness, may you trust Hashem to see you through.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Find something to be grateful for. When I drive to work, I drive along the beach and in the mountains and I am awestruck each day anew by the beauty! Wow! And I am grateful! Find the things you are grateful for and make them your mantra. The beauty you see is the beauty you carry inside yourself every day! Have a beautiful, loving and grateful day! And, Cherrie, a special hi to you today!

Taking Action by Rabbi Pliskin -- Bears Repeating!

Daily Lift #394
Mastering the Habit of Taking ActionPeople who are lazy and habitually procrastinate lose out in all areas of their life. They ignore their health. They don't take care of their financial obligations on time. They don't study when they should study. They waste a lot of time. They tend to be late to things. The antidote is to become a person who consistently takes action with joyful zrizus. You gain tremendously in all areas of your life when you make and reach goals, when you do what you say you will do, when you take care of things on time, and when others are counting on you. You gain spiritually and materially.
[From Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's new book: "Taking Action" - pages 30-1] (

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nelson Lauver, The American Storyteller

Motivational Speaker Nelson Lauver The American Storyteller
Nelson Lauver is a guy who beat the odds and changed his life. One would never guess that until age 29, Nelson struggled with serious literacy issues,
From Nelson Lauver --
It’s Never too Late to Succeed: Take Control of Your Success Finally diagnosed with severe dyslexia at 29, Nelson Lauver had been hiding his serious literacy issues his entire life. Then he did something no one expected. He set out on a course of self improvement, stopped making excuses, swallowed his pride and entered a vocational rehabilitation program to learn to read and write. In the years that followed, intense struggle, burning desire and a never give up attitude enabled his to achieve his goals and change his life. this inspiring program is ideal for those facing a challenging transition, or are struggling to create their own success story.
A fascinating program that will inspire you and your team: Recognize your self-limiting beliefs and take back control of your own life and success; Reach inside and find more strength and power than you ever imagined you possessed; Realize that it’s never too late to achieve your dreams and create your own success story.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today -- Being of Service

How can I be of service today? How can I help others? How can I create a sacred space in which to create my day? By using my Intention to put me there. So, it is my intention to have a great day, to be of service and to Praise G-d for all the gifts he has given me! Have a great day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Today is a beautiful day. Sunny and bright and full of promise. I watch the news as little as possible. It's not that I'm not a realist, it's that I choose to create my reality with input that is uplifting, useful and forward moving.

And, while I'm on the subject, a big thank you to Cherrie McKenzie for her loving support, encouragement and mentoring! A great week, full of happiness and blessings to you, Cherrie!
(See Cherrie's Blog, CoActive Dreams).

Chana Weisberg on Life's Falls

I just found something on that I'd like to recommend to you.You can view it by
This is a beautiful reminder of the preciousness and sanctity of life. Enjoy! Paula

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Be Calm


#414 Query Calm People Would you like to become an expert on how to be calm in all sorts of challenging situations? Do not just rely on your own ingenuity. Keep asking people who appear to be calm, "Would you mind if I ask you how you are able to be so calm?" Most people will happily share their thoughts on the subject with you.

(From Rabbi Pliskin's book, Serenity, p.72)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Perspectives on the New Year

I survived Rosh Hashana, or in reframe parlance, I had a unique Rosh Hashana experience this year. The first night and following day provided two excellent "drashes," or sermons by the Rabbi at the first shul (Temple). He is an Orthodox-raised and trained Rabbi serving a Conservative congregation. His speaking was so deep and beautiful -- and most of all, memorable. He spoke of why certain words were used in the Torah (Old Testament) to mean "remember." The word "remember" occurs many times, and, the Hebrew uses different words for different meanings. But the one the Rabbi stressed was when God uses the word remember which means he is going to keep a promise to the Jewish people. So, remember can mean commitment, promise, result, outcome. The second day we went to another shul. This one featured a choir, a pianist, a guitarist and a lot of rousing singing and participation. I got to experience the coming of the New Year from two very different perspectives. But, for me, it was about what I am going to commit to for the coming year. Who am I going to be this year? Better, more giving, more loving, more committed. I will remember.

From Taking Action by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

#407 Allow Yourself to Experience Happiness Now ListYou have a right to experience happiness right now, in the present. This is a very important concept to keep in mind. You don't need to wait until you accomplish your goals before you are happy. Many people think, "Only after I accomplish my goals will I be able to be happy." These individuals mistakenly think that they need to wait in order to be happy. They feel that they can't be happy right now. They tell themselves that they first need to achieve what they would like to achieve before they can be happy. But happiness is a birthright. You were born. You are now alive. You are breathing now. Right now you have a right to be happy. You can choose to be happy now.
[From Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's new book: "Taking Action" - page 79] (

A Day Brightener -- Blessing of the Animals

Good morning. Thought you would enjoy this! A day brightener!

Personal message:
Blessing of the animals
May God bless your dog

Friday, October 3, 2008

What Now?

Life is a question. And your task is to find the answers that make it work for you. More later, and have a great weekend. Coach Paula

From Pearlin Siow, Author, Boss of Me!

From Pearlin Siow, Author, Boss of Me!
I have a strange problem-solving ritual…Whenever I come across a challenge and can’t think of a solution, I’ll take out a piece of paper and write this:
1. Challenge - list out the issue as clearly as you can.
2. Action 1 - leave blank
3. Action 2 - leave blank
4. Action 3 - leave blank
5. Timeline - usually a week

Then I will tuck the paper away and trust my mind to give me some ideas by the dateline stipulated. Letting my unconscious mind (before sleeping) run with the problem usually gives me pretty good ideas and somehow, even though the paper is hidden, my mind remains totally alert to it - drawing people, circumstances and events to provide solutions.
You’ll be surprised at what you can come up with.